

import { fromTag } from '@effector/reflect';
const DomInput = fromTag('input');

This feature is available since 9.0.0 release of Reflect.

Helper to simplify reflect usage with pure DOM elements by creating simple components based on a html tag. Such cases can happen, when project uses tools like Tailwind.


  1. htmlTag - any valid and React-supported html tag.


  • React Component, which renders dom element.


Tailwind users sometimes don't create components, but simply compose classes to apply to regular HTML elements.

import { fromTag, reflect } from '@effector/reflect';
const DomInput = fromTag('input');
const inputEl = cva('px-3 py-2', {
  variants: {
    size: {
      base: 'text-base',
      large: 'text-3xl',
const NameField = reflect({
  view: DomInput,
  bind: {
    type: 'email',
    value: $value,
    className: inputEl({ size: $inputSize }),

Type inference caveat

For some reason Typescript type inference works a bit worse, when fromTag call is inlined into reflect - specifically, callback types are not properly inferred. Typescript still will check it properly, if you type your callback manually though. 🤷‍♂️

It is recommended to save fromTag call result into separate variable instead, since for some reason it works better with TS.